Our goal is to make Remotehour as easy as possible to invite people to your room, which is why we don't require any logins or downloads to join a conversation! We do this thanks to WebRTC, which can be built-in to most modern browsers.

However, because this is a relatively new web technology, some browsers don't have full support for it yet, so to use Remotehour your browser needs to support WebRTC (see below for a table of supported browsers).

Desktop & Laptop Computers

The great thing about being entirely browser-based is that we're able to support any operating system that's capable of running one of our supported browsers.

Whether it's a Unix based system like MacOS or Linux, or a DOS-based system like Windows, we've got you covered as long as you can run an up-to-date & supported browser!

Operating Systems

Because Remotehour is entirely browser based, it's important that you can run the most recent version of our supported browsers. Below are the oldest operating systems that we can provide support for:

<aside> 💡 Note on Screensharing for Linux Users We've found that Linux users that use the Wayland protocol for their display server will experience issues with screensharing. Unfortunately this is a well documented issue that's tied to Wayland and not something we've implemented specifically, so this is something that we can't action on. Our recommendation for Linux users is to use the Xorg protocol, as it doesn't experience these issues.



Full Browser Support

Any browser that has built-in support for WebRTC should be able to use Remotehour without issues. All of the below browsers have full support for WebRTC, and will deliver the best experience when using Remotehour.

We support the two latest versions of all of these browsers, so if you're experiencing problems, try updating your browser (typically you can update your browser under Settings>About). As we roll out support for more browsers, we'll be sure to update this article.

Partial Browser Support